Everything will be better... soon.

Have a little faith that everything will get better soon. You know life gets quite tough sometimes making us feel hopeless and empty inside. Sometimes you feel incomplete for some reason, and no matter how you scrutinize what's missing within, you’re yet to unfold why. It's tormenting and exhausting. The longer you sit with it, the longer it lingers. It's like carrying a tumor —it's awful. 

Acknowledging our emotions and what stem them is essential. But sometimes, you have to be wise enough to drop those that are weighing you down. Take a pill of courage to fight for what your heart genuinely wants and walk away from the things that rip your soul apart. There's nothing worse than living in regret because of the fear of what life may bring. Remember that life is full of uncertainties, and you don't have to be explicitly certain every single time for you to be happy. More often than not, the most amazing things in life are the ones we ventured unexpectedly.


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I am beautifully broken open.

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